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 Boukyo house - Nakayama Architects

Boukyo house project consists of covering the maximum cubic meters that the budget will permit, for which the private areas of the house – two bedrooms and one bathroom – and the public areas – A workroom, living room, dining room and kitchen - are located at the greatest distance apart possible and displaced across the floor plan.
The limits between the private and the public areas that results from this displacement are sufficiently ambiguous so as to generate a continuity in which all the areas of the house contribute to an expanded reading of the interior space. Moreover, all areas are different levels. With this, what Nakayama Architects were really looking for was a way to document how relative and artificial the distinctions of limits within a work of architecture are and were interested in exploring the points of transmission, or friction, between one area and another.
The details and materials were spontaneously undertaken as the work progressed, constituting an essential element that gives this house its particular character. A light roof is supported on a pole made of unpainted steel and covered with lead on the interior and natural steel on the exterior. The naturally rusting object appears as if to retain some vestige of the place to sink into oblivion.



Casa Paraty

Duas caixas de betão em balanço e isoladas, incrustadas na encosta. Essa é a descrição, em linhas gerais, da proposta de Marcio Kogan para a casa de veraneio numa praia particular, em Paraty. No volume mais próximo do mar ficam a zona de estar e de serviços; no outro estão os quartos. A casa insere-se na trajetória deste arquiteto paulista, com o seu universo ortogonal, independentemente do programa, os projetos resultam em caixas.

Fonte: arcoweb.com.br, contemporist.com